French Typing Exams

WPM : 0 CPM : 0 Accuracy : 0

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30s 30s 1 Minutes| 60s 2 Minutes| 120s 5 Minutes| 5 min 10 Minutes| 10 min


French typing test: A beginner's guide

French typing tests are a great way to measure your typing speed and accuracy. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as job applications, school assignments, and personal development.

What is an French typing test?

An French typing test is a timed assessment of your ability to type in French. The test typically involves typing a passage of text for a set amount of time, such as one or two minutes. Your speed and accuracy are measured in words per minute (WPM).

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🕑 60 Timer


📈 0WPM

CPM📊 0

15s 15s 30s| 30s 60s| 60s 120s| 120s



Are you ready to embark on a journey to master French typing? Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, this article is your comprehensive guide to becoming a typing master in the French language. From typing exercises to posture tips, we've got you covered. Let's dive in!

Understanding French Typing

French typing involves using the standard QWERTY keyboard layout to type in the French language. While the alphabet is mostly the same as English, there are additional accents and characters unique to French, such as é, è, ç, and à.

Importance of Typing Practice

Mastering typing in French is crucial for efficiency and accuracy in communication, whether it's for school, work, or personal use. Regular practice enhances typing speed, accuracy, and overall proficiency in the language.

Getting Started with Typing Exercises

Begin your French typing journey with simple exercises. Websites like offer a variety of French typing tests and practice sessions tailored to different skill levels.

Perfecting Your Posture

Maintaining the right posture is key to comfortable and efficient typing. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and wrists slightly elevated above the keyboard.

Hand Positioning Techniques

Position your hands correctly on the keyboard, with your fingers resting on the home row keys (ASDF for the left hand, and JKL; for the right hand). This enables fluid movement and reduces strain.

Techniques to Increase Typing Speed

Practice touch typing to improve speed and accuracy. Focus on rhythm and flow rather than looking at the keyboard. Gradually increase speed as you become more comfortable.

Utilizing Typing Tutors

Take advantage of online typing tutors and software specifically designed for French typing practice. These programs provide structured lessons and real-time feedback to enhance your skills.

Immersive Typing Practice

Immerse yourself in French typing by typing out texts from French literature, news articles, or even your own thoughts and ideas. This not only improves typing but also enhances language comprehension.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Be mindful of common typing errors such as typos, incorrect accents, and finger placement. Regularly review and correct mistakes to reinforce proper typing habits.

Tips for Consistency and Improvement

Consistency is key to improvement. Set aside dedicated time for daily typing practice and gradually increase the difficulty level as you progress. Track your performance to monitor improvement over time.

Celebrating Progress: Tracking Your Performance

Celebrate milestones along your typing journey by tracking your progress. Keep a record of your typing speed, accuracy, and any personal achievements to stay motivated.

Integrating Typing Practice into Daily Routine

Incorporate typing practice into your daily routine by typing emails, messages, or journal entries in French. Consistent practice, even in small doses, yields significant results over time.

Overcoming Challenges

Stay patient and persistent when faced with challenges. Don't be discouraged by slow progress or occasional setbacks. Stay focused on your goals and keep practicing.

Staying Motivated

Find motivation in your progress and the satisfaction of mastering a valuable skill. Reward yourself for reaching milestones and seek support from peers or online communities for encouragement.


Mastering French typing requires dedication, practice, and patience. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can become a proficient typist in the French language. Start typing, stay consistent, and watch your skills soar!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I improve my French typing speed?

Practice regularly and focus on touch typing techniques to increase speed gradually.

2. Are there any recommended typing tutors for French language practice?

Yes, there are several online typing tutors specifically designed for French typing practice, such as

3. What should I do if I make frequent typing errors?

Review your typing technique and practice typing exercises that target areas where you make mistakes. Slow down if necessary to ensure accuracy.

4. Can I use French typing practice to improve my overall language skills?

Yes, typing practice in French can enhance your language skills by familiarizing you with vocabulary, spelling, and grammar in context.

5. How long does it take to become proficient in French typing?

The time it takes to become proficient varies for each individual. Consistent practice and dedication are key factors in achieving proficiency.