Mastering Estonian Typing:
Your Comprehensive Guide

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30s 30s 1 Minutes| 60s 2 Minutes| 120s 5 Minutes| 5 min 10 Minutes| 10 min


Estonian typing test: A beginner's guide

Estonian typing tests are a great way to measure your typing speed and accuracy. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as job applications, school assignments, and personal development.

What is an Estonian typing test?

An Estonian typing test is a timed assessment of your ability to type in Estonian. The test typically involves typing a passage of text for a set amount of time, such as one or two minutes. Your speed and accuracy are measured in words per minute (WPM).

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🕑 60 Timer


📈 0WPM

CPM📊 0

15s 15s 30s| 30s 60s| 60s 120s| 120s


Typing is an essential skill in today's digital world, and learning to type in different languages can be both challenging and rewarding. If you're looking to improve your typing skills in Estonian, you've come to the right place. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Estonian typing, from posture and hand positioning to increasing your typing speed.

Introduction to Estonian Typing

Typing in Estonian can open up new opportunities for communication, work, and personal development. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone interested in the language, improving your Estonian typing skills is a valuable endeavor.

The Importance of Learning to Type in Estonian

Why should you learn to type in Estonian? For one, Estonia is known for its advanced digital society, and being proficient in typing the language can significantly enhance your ability to interact within this context. It also enables you to engage with Estonian literature, news, and online content more efficiently.

Getting Started with Estonian Typing

Starting your journey with Estonian typing might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a smooth and enjoyable process. The key is to take it step by step and make use of the various resources available.

Setting Up Your Typing Environment

Before you begin practicing, ensure your typing environment is comfortable and free from distractions. A well-lit area with a supportive chair and a suitable desk height will help you maintain good posture and reduce strain.

Proper Sitting Posture

Your posture is crucial when typing. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90-degree angle. Your elbows should be close to your body and bent at around 90 degrees as well. This posture helps prevent fatigue and injuries over time.

Correct Hand Positioning on the Keyboard

Place your fingers on the home row keys (ASDF for the left hand and JKLÖ for the right hand in Estonian). Your thumbs should rest lightly on the space bar. This positioning allows for efficient and comfortable typing.

Basic Estonian Typing Practice

Start with simple exercises to familiarize yourself with the Estonian keyboard layout. Practice typing common words and phrases, paying attention to the special characters and diacritics unique to Estonian.

Advanced Estonian Typing Exercises

Once you're comfortable with basic typing, move on to more complex exercises. Practice typing paragraphs, essays, or even your own compositions. This will help improve your speed and accuracy over time.

Tips for Increasing Typing Speed

Consistency is Key: Regular practice is essential. Set aside dedicated time each day for typing practice.

Focus on Accuracy First: Speed will naturally increase as your accuracy improves.

Use Typing Software: Programs like TypingMaster and online tools can provide structured lessons and feedback.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Avoid looking at your keyboard while typing. This habit slows you down and reduces accuracy. Also, avoid slouching or typing with improper hand positioning, as these can lead to long-term discomfort or injury.

Using Online Estonian Typing Tools

There are numerous online tools designed to help you practice Estonian typing. Websites like TypingExams offer various exercises and tests tailored to different skill levels, allowing you to track your progress and stay motivated.

The Role of an Estonian Typing Tutor

An Estonian typing tutor can provide personalized guidance and feedback, helping you improve more quickly. They can identify your weaknesses and suggest specific exercises to address them, ensuring more efficient learning.

Tracking Your Progress

Keep a log of your typing practice sessions, noting your speed and accuracy improvements over time. This not only helps you stay motivated but also allows you to identify patterns and areas that need more focus.

Maintaining Your Typing Skills

Like any skill, typing requires regular practice to maintain proficiency. Make it a habit to incorporate Estonian typing into your daily routine, whether through work, study, or personal projects.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Mastering Estonian typing is a journey that requires patience and dedication. By following the tips and practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to becoming proficient. Remember to practice regularly, use available resources, and seek help when needed.


1. How long does it take to become proficient in Estonian typing?

It varies depending on the individual and the amount of practice. With consistent effort, you can see significant improvements in a few months.

2. Can I use an English keyboard to type in Estonian?

Yes, you can switch your keyboard settings to Estonian, but it might take some time to get used to the layout and special characters.

3. Are there any specific software recommendations for Estonian typing practice?

TypingMaster and TypingExams are great tools to start with, offering structured lessons and feedback.

4. How can I avoid wrist pain while typing?

Maintain proper posture, take regular breaks, and ensure your keyboard and chair are ergonomically positioned.

5. Is it necessary to look at the screen while typing?

Yes, you should focus on the screen and avoid looking at the keyboard. This practice helps improve speed and accuracy over time.